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From the Board of Directors
FISH of Westminster, Inc
January 1, 2024 – December 1, 2024
One year ago, as we developed strategies to meet the needs of the food insecure in Westminster and SW Adams County, we anticipated an increase in the number of clients. Possibly as much as 13%, as we had seen in 2022 and 2023. We had implemented a number of strategies to provide the typical non-perishables distributed at food pantries as well as perishables; protein including beef, chicken, lamb, pork, fish and eggs; dairy products; and culturally responsive products such as dried lentils, egg noodles, and cooking oil.
By the end of January, we realized our original assumption was wrong – the number of new clients was far beyond 13%. We had to change our approach in order to continue supporting our clients. By the end of the 2024, the number of clients had increased by 44% over 2023.
But by adjusting our offerings, connecting more frequently with our long-term donors, expanding our fundraising efforts, and developing new partnerships, we were able to continue to meet the needs of the people living with food insecurity throughout our SW Adams County neighborhood.
As you read our annual report, you will read that with good will, over 40 dedicated volunteers, generous donors, good friends, and multiple partnerships – FISH of Westminster was able to address the problem of food insecurity in our community.
We thank you for your continued support!
Paul Langley
Jacqueline Carlson
Melissa Dukes
Carol Mauracher
Cynthia Steinheimer
Programs and Impact
Food Pantry
- 8,902 people were served from the food pantry (a 44% increase over 2023).
- 10 meals are provided to each client per month, and over
- 90,000 pounds of food were distributed.
Diaper Program
- An average of 25 families each month were provided 30 diapers and baby wipes per child.
Homeless Program
- 60 homeless clients were provided lunch and critical supplies such as gloves, socks, underwear, feminine hygiene products, blankets, tarps, sleeping bags, hand and foot warmers, and water each week from volunteers walking Westminster homeless camps.
- 240 meals distributed monthly to an average of 100 people (an increase of 30% over 2023).
Pet Food
- Cat and dog food was distributed, upon request, at the food pantry to at least 20 pets per month.
- The Guardians of Westminster Hills Dog Park held a pet food drive for FISH, collecting approximately 1,500 of cat and dog food to be repackaged and distributed to our clients.
Front Range Community College TRIO Upward Bound Program
- 40+ students were provided snacks and hygiene products throughout the school year.
Thanksgiving Day Lunch
- 150 meals were served by the end of the event, (double the 75 meals served in 2023).
- 40 people volunteered from 1-6 hours each to make this event happen.
Thanksgiving Day Lunch
This is the newest program FISH of Westminster supports. For the second year, FISH of Westminster co-sponsored Thanksgiving Day Lunch for anyone seeking a place to enjoy a meal. Lunch was sponsored in partnership with City Councilor Obi Ezeadi as part of his annual Thanksgiving food drive, Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Westminster Stake of the Church of Later-Day Saints, the Journey Church, and Congregation B’Nai Torah.
The lunch was supported with funds raised by Councilor Ezeadi and with food donations from the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Northwest Eagles Aerie 4019, the four partner congregations, and FISH.
Attendees were served a traditional menu: Jello salad, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, yams, dressing, corn, green beans, rolls and muffins with butter, and desserts.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church was a founding partner of FISH of Westminster in 1970. Today it serves as the physical home of FISH of Westminster and the FISH Food Pantry. All of our programs are managed out of the FISH of Westminster office located at the church.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is also the single largest financial donor to FISH of Westminster. Almost $20,000 was donated by the church in 2024. Funds are raised on behalf of FISH of Westminster through congregational giving, grants/donations made to the church for the food pantry, memorial gifts, and multiple fundraisers organized by members and volunteers.
One of the major fundraisers is the annual Afternoon Tea held each April. In 2024, one of our “Angel” supporters made a donation equal to 100% of the funds raised by the tea, which resulted in $5,700 raised.
Membership in Westminster Presbyterian Church, or any church or religion, is not required to volunteer with FISH of Westminster or to receive support from our programs.