Download the report here. FISH OF WESTMINSTER, INC – 2022 ANNUAL REPORT FISH OF WESTMINSTER was established in 1970 by a group of Westminster Christians, called to express their love and concern for their neighbors. In the early days, FISH was the emergency service referral network for the entire city. As the city grew and matured, and more … [Read more...]
Press Release: Community Dinners Are Back! Join Us For Dinner!
PRESS RELEASE!!! COMMUNITY DINNERS ARE BACK! PLEASE JOIN US FOR DINNER! Community dinners are scheduled to begin next month – August 18th – at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3990 W 74th Street, on the corner of 74th and Bradburn in Historic Westminster. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:30 pm. The dinners are free. Community … [Read more...]
Press Release: Culturally Responsive Food Pantries. July 2022
PRESS RELEASE – CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE FOOD PANTRIES In August 2020, The Food Bank of the Rockies (FBR) launched their culturally responsive food initiative, which aims to overcome barriers experience by clients for different cultural backgrounds. These barriers include: Diverse food preference, Language barriers or uncertainty about … [Read more...]
PRESS RELEASE – ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL AFTERNOON TEA FUNDRAISER FOR FISH Thanks to the hard working volunteers and the generous contributions of the congregation at Westminster Presbyterian Church, family, friends, and neighbors, this year’s Afternoon Tea raised a record setting $2,100! All 100 tickets were sold as either to-go bags or in-person … [Read more...]
Fighting Food Waste Through Grocery Rescue – April ’22 Recap
PRESS RELEASE – FIGHTING FOOD WASTE THROUGH GROCERY RESCUE Feeding America and FISH of Westminster are dedicated to fighting food waste. America has more than enough food for everyone to eat. But each year, billions of pounds of perfectly good food go to waste. Meanwhile, 38 million face hunger in the United States. As the country's … [Read more...]
FISH OF WESTMINSTER was established in 1970 by a group of Westminster Christians, called to express their love and concern for their neighbors. In the early days, FISH was the emergency service referral network for the entire city. As the city grew and matured, and more social services became available, FISH evolved in two neighborhood food … [Read more...]
Covid Vaccine Bus Returns To Westminster Presbyterian Church
PRESS RELEASE – COVID VACCINE BUS RETURNS TO WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The COVID Vaccine Bus is scheduled to return to the Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC) parking lot on Tuesday: March 29 May 17, and June 14 From 9 am to 4 pm. This is a walk-up vaccine clinic so appointments are not required. WPC is located in … [Read more...]
Fish of Westminster Program Aids 960 Unhoused Clients In First Full Year Of Operation
PRESS RELEASE FISH OF WESTMINSTER PROGRAM AIDS 960 UNHOUSED CLIENTS IN THE FIRST FULL YEAR OF OPERATION In late 2020, FISH of Westminster partnered with local resident Alan F to reach out to individuals experiencing homelessness to its other programs. This outreach effort is designed to connect with individuals in South Westminster by … [Read more...]
Melissa Dukes Recognized As Community Hero By Westminster Legacy Foundation
PRESS RELEASE – MELISSA DUKES, MEMBER – FISH OF WESTMINSTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS, RECOGNIZED AS COVID-19 COMMUNITY HERO BY THE WESTMINSTER LEGACY FOUNDATION This award, given in 2021, recognized businesses and individuals that stepped up to meet the unprecedented needs in our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The award honored those that … [Read more...]
FISH OF WESTMINSTER was established in 1970 by a group of Westminster Christians, called to express their love and concern for their neighbors. In the early days, FISH was the emergency service referral network for the entire city. As the city grew and matured, and more social services became available, FISH evolved in two neighborhood food … [Read more...]